
With water crises at its peak, government all throughout the country are becoming extremely conscious about the water usage of industry with water tables going down & quality of ground deteriorating, the companies are being forced to comply with norms of ―Zero Liquid Discharge‖.

MEE(Multi Effect Evaporator)

Re-boiler Pre-heaters
Condenser, strippers Calandria Tubes

Petrochemical Industries

Heat Exchanger cleaning Pipeline pigging
Vessel and Tank cleaning Air Cooled Condenser cleaning
Polymer removal Flare line cleaning
Dehydrator tube cleaning Furnace decoking
Reactor tube cleaning VCFE (Combined Feed Exchangers)


Boiler tube cleaning Heat Exchanger Tube Cleaning

Power Station

Turbine blade Condenser tube (ferrous and non-ferrous)
ACC (Air Cooled Condenser) HRSG
Fin Fan Boiler tube (internal and external)
Radiator Culvert AND U Tube
HP and LP Heater Lube oil cooler
Oil cooler tube Furnace water wall
Water cooler tube Super Heater
Pipe Air Pre-heater Baskets

Refineries Industries

Heat exchangers Reactor tubes
U tube heat exchangers Lead decontamination
Radiators/Fin Fans VCFE
Air Cooled Condensers Flare lines
Pipeline pigging Online and in-situ cleaning

Oil & Gas Industries

Waste Heat Recovery Unit (WHRU/hot oil heater) cleaning Offshore Cleaning of Crude Heater tube cleaning
Compressor – inter cooler and after cooler cleaning Offshore Cleaning of U Tube Hairpin Exchangers
Heat Exchanger tube cleaning Offshore Cleaning of Drill pipes and drill Cases

Water & Sewerage Industries

Specialist cleaning of pipes – concrete, wax, fat etc. Steel RSJ’s and pile intrusions removed from pipes
Collapsed drain liner removal

Food & Beverage Industries

Heat Exchanger tubes Condenser tubes
Ducts Pipes Evaporator tubes
Vessels and Tanks Boiler tubes
Clarifiers tubes

Marine Industries

Scupper lines Submarine pens
Hydraulic lines on submarines Aircraft carrier decks
Submarine prop shafts ready for NDT inspection

Paper & Board Mill

Evaporator Boiler
Power Plant

Pharmaceutical Industries

Spray dryers Compressors (intercooler and after cooler)
Cyclones Condensers
Ductwork Filter Press
Mixer vessels and reactors Evaporators
Glass lined vessels Pipe/ Pipe Line
Heat exchangers chillers

Manufacturing & Process Industries

Automotive plants Steel plants
Tobacco industry Paper & Board Mills
Textile & Process Mills Sugar Mill
Laminates Smelting Plants

Domestic & Commercial

Building Washing Roof Cleaning
Power Plant Water Tank Cleaning
Floor/Wall Cleaning Swimming Pool Cleaning
Window Cleaning Misting Systems

Surface Cleaning

Auditoriums Rail Coaches
Vehicles Hull Cleaning
Boeing's Runways


Apart from the above-mentioned applications, there are numerous areas where we can apply high pressure hydro jetting.

SAFETY is our out-most priority

We, at Atharv JET Services, always try to improve our Productivity, at the same time, we never compromise with safety. Therefore, our all employers follow safety norms. We request you to register our name as a CLEANING CONTRACTOR and oblige.

To know more about our services please feel free to contact us we are always there to assist you.